Essential Tips for Planning a Solo Trip

Solo Trip

Solo Trip: When you are traveling alone you get to do what you want when you want. You can also connect with people if you wish to or avoid them completely if you want to be alone there. You travel on your own term when you travel alone. Traveling alone is a time where the only compromises you have to make are with yourself.

Here are some essential tips you should follow for a safe trip

1. Do your homework for Solo Trip

Before you leave know how much will it cost to reach your hotel from the airport.
It’s very common these days that cab drivers ask you for more money so, Before hiring a cab ask them for the estimated cost so in this case, they won’t take more money from you.

2. Get proper accommodations

While booking accommodations make sure your hotel provides you 24 hours front desk so in case if you arrive late you won’t have to spend your night in your car.
Try to book solo-friendly accommodation. Try to book a hotel with some positive comments.
These reviews will give you a good idea of what to expect from the host, neighborhood, and if any other tenants might be sharing the property with you.

3. Stay simple and look comfortable

Don’t often look in the guidebook while you’re on a public road.
Be aware of what you should and shouldn’t wear when you are traveling.
It’s better if you dress up like local so you will not look stand out.
If you visit an impoverished area and walk around with expensive jewelry, it’s also an opportunity for vendors to charge you more for items as they can see you have money.

4. Make copies of all the important documents

You can scan all the important documents (Passport, insurance paper) and save them in Drive. You never know when will you need these documents and in what conditions so always be prepared for that. So in case of theft while traveling or simply bad luck, you may find yourself in need of a replacement passport, which is much easier
when you’ve got some identification to provide.

5. Trust everyone and rely on no one

When you travel alone you meet new people and that is one of the best reasons to travel alone.
It’s ok to spent time with them, hang out with them but make sure you do not provide any personal information to them.
Try not to ask them to look after your personal belonging in your absence when you are on a solo trip.

6. Keep updating your family and close friends

No matter where you are going or for how long you are going, It’s always a great idea to keep your close person informed.
Be in touch with them at a regular time and keep them updated.
Before you leave send them the schedule of your trip. That will provide you extra safety.

Also read: Essential Traveling Safety Tips That Everyone Must Follow

7. Pack your luggage lightly

Choose proper clothes according to your destination and do not take any extra clothes.
Avoid taking unnecessary accessories with you on your trip.
Choose a lightweight bag that will reduce more of your luggage weight.

8. Avoid using public Wi-Fi

Try avoiding the use of free public Wi-Fi as this is the main source for hackers to hack your device and steal your private data.
You can still use those free public Wi-Fi by using VPN.

9. Try to start your day early

There are many opportunities to sightsee alone and be completely safe if you visit a large, bustling city.
Getting up early also makes it easier to avoid the crowds at popular attraction points once families and those night owls leave their hotel for the day.
You can spend as much time as you can if you visit that attraction before time.
You can try something new what you cannot do with other people.
You can get more pictures and selfies as well.

10. Be confident

Whether you’re on a street at home or 7,000 miles away, walk confidently and with direction is an effective trick for deterring unwanted attention from unwanted people.
If in case you lost your path then simply ask for help from the local shops or restaurants out there.
When asking for direction from strangers don’t let them know that you are alone so better you can ask them can you please show me the direction of this restaurant as one of my friends is waiting for me.

11. Return during daytime.

If traveling somewhere in a small village then they might get close early and the roads may be scary so it is advisable to return during day time.
If you arrive early then you have a great chance to start your new day early.

12. Try to keep your money in a different location when on solo trip

It is never a good idea to carry huge amounts of cash when you travel. Try to keep your cash in different bags so in case if one gets stolen by theft then you are not
left with empty hands.
This way, even if we’re robbed while out and about, one of us will still have a card and some cash tucked away somewhere.

13. Try to get travel insurance is also one of best Traveling Tips

In case of medical emergency or theft, Travel insurance is very important.
There are a variety of plans offered by the insurance company so choose them very carefully, Some company even cover the cost of the trip if can cancel it with the valid reason which covers the policy. So that’s the reason you should choose the plan carefully.
Always keep your insurance documents handy and if possible send them to someone you trust more.

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